
Kickstart your Brain with the 'The Mozart Effect'

  For years, scientists have been studying how music affects the brain and its functions. Classical music, particularly songs by Mozart, has produced measurable results that have become known as “The Mozart Effect.” The theory, essentially, is that listening to the music of Mozart can improve your intellectual capacity. The question is, can listening to classical music make you more successful?


  Music Increases Cognitive Function: Several studies have shown cognitive improvements in those who listened to classical music prior to(在…之前) performing certain tasks or taking tests. Functions that demonstrated in increase in capacity included: Language skills, reading skills, spatial(adj.空间的) tasks, verbal communications, quantitative abilities, concentration, memory, and motor skills(运动技巧).


  Several studies of students preparing to take the SAT test compared test scores of those who listened to classical music prior to taking the test with those who did not. Those who preceded the test with classical music scored higher on the SAT than the students who did not.


       A study by the University of Washington showed that copyeditors who listened to classical music for 90 minutes while editing copy found 21% more mistakes than those who did not.


  Improved Interpersonal Relations through Music: Listening to music not only improves functions within your brain, but music has also been shown to have a profound effect on mood. The style of music correlated with(与…联系起来) the mood experienced by the listener.

